Photoreceptor stained for different opsin genes in the retinas of a south american dwarf cichlid
Molecular evolution of visual sensitivity in cichlid fishes
Vision plays a fundamental role in the life of many organisms influencing their capabilities to avoid predators and to find food, shelter, and mates. However, performing these activities highly depends on the visual properties of the environment –as anyone who ever drove in fog can attest. The visual conditions of aquatic environments are highly variable, both across space and time, providing a great opportunity to study adaptive variation of the visual system of aquatic organisms. As a consequence, there is high variation in the visual system across fish species. This combined with a good understanding of the adaptive value of such variation makes vision in fishes a tractable system to study the molecular mechanisms underlying adaptive divergence in the wild. My research on vision focuses on three different topics: (i) identifying the molecular and developmental mechanisms that underlie phenotypic variation in Nicaraguan cichlid fishes, (ii) understanding the contribution of genetic parallelisms to convergent evolution across Neotropical cichlids, and (iii) comparing the molecular signal of past selection across different cichlid radiations. |
Does side matter? The evolution of asymmetric genitalia in livebearing fish
Asymmetry in otherwise bilateral animals has attracted the attention of biologists for a long time. Whereas most departures from bilateral symmetry are a result of developmental instability, morphological bilateral asymmetry can also be adaptive. Yet, adaptive asymmetry is a relatively rare evolutionary phenomenon and remains poorly understood. Investigating those rare cases of adaptive asymmetry have the potential to further our understanding of how selection acts on developmental processes and how adaptive traits are shaped by natural and/or sexual selection. One particular case of adaptive asymmetry is represented when asymmetry affects the genitalia of organisms, which has evolved multiple timed in independent groups. However, as most species with asymmetric genitalia are not polymorphic (within species, either only a left- or a right-sided morph is present) the understanding of the evolution of genital asymmetry is still limited. An exception is presented by one-sided livebearer fish and four-eyed fish of the family Anablepidae. Here, both left- and right-sided individuals can be found within populations. This provides a great opportunity to explore causes and consequences of the evolution of genital asymmetry. My research in this system revolves around determining if sidedness of genital asymmetry is heritable and if it affects mating success of these fishes. Further, I attempted to make predictions and test for the potential of genetic divergence within populations and trait evolution at a phylogenetic scale. |
Adaptive phenotypic variation along environmental gradients
Environments often vary gradually, and organisms have to adapt to these changes, or they might not persist along these gradients reaching their distribution limits. Interesting eco-evolutionary questions emerge in this context: how closely do organisms track environmental changes? Is phenotypic variation along gradients the result of plastic responses or genetic differences? Which factors influence species range limits along these gradients? In other words, which factors limit adaptations to conditions outside the species range limit? During my PhD, I addressed these issues in Trinidadian guppies combining observational fieldwork with common garden experiments. I found (i) a genetic bases for phenotypic variation in life history traits at finer geographic scales than previously considered. However, I also found that plasticity can both, (ii) shield phenotypes from selection along environmental gradients and (iii) that it can evolve as a byproduct of local. (iv) Abiotic factors and asymmetric biotic interactions combined constrain adaptation along gradients and influence the range limits of parapatrically distributed species. |
Tracking migratory connectivity in nearctic shorebirds
My master studies aimed to develop tools to study connectivity of migratory shorebirds. We tested the role of stable isotopes and trace elements as intrinsic biomarkers to connect their breeding and wintering grounds. The idea was that shorebirds molt their feathers in their winter grounds once a year. If each location had its specific isotopic and trace elements signature, birds caught in their breeding areas could be caught and the chemical signature of their feathers measured to determine where did it molt and therefore connect the locations in their migratory cycle. Our work showed that it is possible to make such connections but the accuracy at which this could be done is low. This was mainly due to the environmental gradient on stable isotopes was shallow in the molting grounds of shorebirds and because ageing of feathers affected the stable isotope signature. |
Avian diversity in urban areas
As an undergraduate student in my hometown in Argentina, I was lucky to be involved in one of the earliest urban ecology projects in the area. Some of the data we collected is awaiting to be publish. However, we put together an amazing field guide to the birds of the Miguel Lillo botanical garden. My partner and I did all the illustrations!